The Lamprey River Advisory Committee has produced several videos, a curriculum, a children's nature and history book, and for-fun articles that can be enjoyed by all. Most can be viewed from this website and all are available for purchase from the committee.
Click here if you would like to order a copy of any of the materials listed below:

The Lamprey River Curriculum:
Written primarily for fourth grade teachers, it can also serve as the basis for more advanced classes through high school. Lessons focus on Lamprey River history and environmental science.

River Story:
The Lamprey River Through History is a beautifully produced video that covers historical highlights along entire Lamprey River from pre-colonial times through the present.

The Lamprey River Tour:
Mary Blair Park is a video story of Epping teacher Mary Blair and the area along the river in Epping that she generously donated to the children of Epping. (

The Road Less Salted:
Water Quality and Salt Reduction Seminar video recorded the presentations and discussion of a 2010 seminar sponsored by the LRAC, the NH Dept. of Environmental Services, the Coastal Training Program, the Lamprey River Watershed Association, and the Hodgson Brook Restoration Project. Its purposes were to (1) inform stakeholders about the negative environmental effects of applying too much salt to our roads and (2) to find ways to reduce salt use while keeping the public safe during winter.
(two DVD set, $10.00)

A video snapshot of one of the Lamprey River Watershed Association's important volunteer efforts that documented the river banks' physical condition from the head waters in Northwood to the river's end at Newmarket.

Wiswall's Mill:
A Short History is a video about the human side of a once-thriving industrial area in Durham that is now a quiet park.
To View the Video on YouTube Click Here.
Connecting Lives on the Lamprey River:
Created to instill the idea that water connects all parts of the river as well as the people who live in its watershed, or drainage area. Whether we use the river for recreation, drinking water, or simply enjoy its beauty, we all have a duty to make sure our kids and grandkids inherit a clean river.
To view this video on YouTube click here.